At Lycan MMA, rules are the magical glue that keeps our pack howling in harmony. They’re not buzzkills; they’re more like the secret sauce that spices up our training sessions, ensuring safety, respect, and a whole lot of fun. These rules? They’re the roadmap to an epic BJJ adventure, guiding us through thrilling rolls while making sure everyone’s journey is safe and enjoyable.

Following the below listed rules is required of all members and visitors for participation in any class, seminar, event or open mat at Lycan MMA.

Facility Rules

  1. Be respectful of the instructor and your training partners.
  2. Maintain good personal hygiene. 
  3. Be on time.
  4. No shoes on the mats.
  5. No bare feet off of the mats. ESPECIALLY in restrooms.
  6. Socialize before and after class. 
  7. Tap early and tap often. 
  8. Respect the tap.
  9. Clean up after yourself. Throw out your trash and take your things home. 
  10. No coaching unless you are the instructor.
  11. No gum. 
  12. No food or drinks other than water in the mat area.
  13. Communicate injuries.
  14. If you are sick stay home. 
  15. Respect belt rankings. – Higher belts line up in front, lower belts follow in rank order behind (black to white).
  16. If you roll near a higher belt you must move and make space out of respect.
  17. Be a good training partner. 
  18. Hydrate.
  19. Control your emotions. 
  20. Promote good vibes. 

Hygiene Rules

  1. Shower before training – come clean
  2. Wash your training gear regularly
  3. Wash gi/ belt/ no gi/ gym clothes
  4. Wipe down and air dry kickboxing gear
  5. Wear clean socks
  6. Make sure your gear is dry before training
  7. Sanitize equipment
  8. Use the foot wash before stepping on the mats
  9. Don’t share belongings
  10. If you are sick stay home
  11. Remove jewelry while training
  12. Properly tie your hair back
  13. Cover sores and cuts
  14. Keep shoes clean and dry
  15. NO shoes on the mats
  16. Wear shoes off the mats
  17. Trim your fingernails and toenails
  18. Stay hydrated, bring a water bottle
  19. Wash your hands
  20. Keep training areas clean
  21. No food or drink in the mat area. (Water in a lidded container is allowed)

Questions? Contact us!